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Filtering by Category: SlipAngle

SlipAngle /// Episode 46 - Ross Bentley & Speed Secrets - Part 1

Austin Cabot

Episode 46 - Possibly one of the most influential driving coachs in the world, Ross Bentley has written many books on driving under the "Speed Secrets" name.  A few weeks ago, Ross was gracious enough with his time to sit down with Austin in Seattle, WA and record a few driving tips for use in future SlipAngle shows.  While there, Austin and Ross sat down and had nearly a two hour conversation on professional driving, driving techniques, and how Ross started writing books and coaching.

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SlipAngle /// Episode 44 - Brent & Kelley Picasso from Autosport Labs

Austin Cabot

Autosport Labs has developed RaceCapture - a new, powerful data acquisition tool that makes data analysis more affordable and accessible to all drivers.  Here at, we like data, and we like accessibility and affordability as well.  We were so impressed by what the team at Autosport Labs has created we invited them to come on the show and share with our listeners just what it is they are up to!   

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SlipAngle /// Episode 43 - Dinner with Ricers Episode 001

Austin Cabot

In the first Episode of "Dinner with Ricers", Austin and Adam enjoy a nice Mexican meal at Acapulco Joe's in Downtown Indinapolis after The Performance Racing Industry Show.  They are joined by Brad "Brap" Adams, ITRExpo dude Jay Haire, Pint-sized Hollie (Pocket) Heiser, and Fabricator and friend of the show, Brent from Alabama.  Tons of puns, great conversation, and random information plague this episode of SlipAngle.  Listen in for a good laugh.

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SlipAngle /// Episode 41 - Kontrolle Engineering at the NASA 25 Hour

Austin Cabot

We talk with the Kontrolle Engineering team after the NASA 25 hour.  We speak with crew chief Justin Ross, 17 year old female driver Natasha Balough, and professional driver Gregory Liefooghe about the race, the changing conditions, strategy and the spec e46 they were driving.  

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SlipAngle /// Episode 40 - Danny George live from the #MillionMileLexus

Austin Cabot

Episode 40 - We cruise around Buttonwillow Raceway with Danny George.  Danny has run a few season of Formula Drift and has been running time attack events in his drift Miata over the past few season. Listen an as Austin and Danny brainstorm stupid things to do, devise a new way to change lemons and chump racing, talk about the million mile lexus, and decide that people just need to get out and do more stuff. 

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SlipAngle /// Episode 38 - The Towing Episode

Austin Cabot

Episode 38 - Austin and Adam are joined by Brad "BRAP" Adams while Austin waits for a flight to Seattle from Indianpolis.  Austin and Brap talk about their quick trip to Indianapolis Motor Speedway, the guys discuss the various aspects involved with towing, along with some hilarious stories centered around towing thanks to an email from listener Blake Chilson from Steamboat Springs, CO, and Adam drops his new shiny recorder during the show.

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SlipAngle /// Episode 36 - OG Status, but with all the (Hair) Plugs

Austin Cabot

Episode 36 - Adam and Austin are back!  This time, they take it back to the old school days of 4 months ago and record a show with no guests.  GASP!  Can they do it?  Will it be interesting?  Find out this week on Episode 36 of the SlipAngle Show

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SlipAngle /// Episode 33 - Sam Barnett and his Unique Approach to Professional Racing

Austin Cabot

Sam Barnett shares the story of his unique path to pro racing. Find out how his racing business knowledge, famous rock bands, and the Mazdaspeed program helped him get behind the wheel.  Having never been on a racetrack before the age of 26, Sam has been able to accomplish what many of us dream about.  His story is truly an inspiration for any aspiring driver.

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SlipAngle /// Episode 32 - Will Faules & Dave Balingit from the National Auto Sport Association

Austin Cabot

Episode 32 - Will Faules and Dave Balingit from the National Auto Sport Association (NASA) join Austin Cabot live from the 2015 SEMA show to discuss the new NASA NP01 car and series, how to start doing track days and moving up the NASA Ladder Program with their HPDE and Time Attack programs.  They also explain the NASA racing classing structure and the various spec series.  Another episode packed full of great content, here on SlipAngle.  

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SlipAngle /// Episode 31 - Emilio Cervantes of 949 Racing - Mandatory Listening for ALL Drivers

Austin Cabot

Episode 31 - Austin and Wags sit down with Emilio Cervantes of 949 Racing to talk about his driving history, thoughts on optimizing a racecar, driver focus, endurance racing prep, and a host of numerous other things.  If you drive a car on a track, this is an episode you won't want to miss.  

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SlipAngle /// Episode 27 - Miatas at Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca

Austin Cabot

Episode 27 - Austin visits historic Laguna Seca for Miatas at Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca.  While there, he get's to talk to a few special guests that include Tom Matano, the original designer of the first Miata, Rick Weldon who runs the event, Brian Goodwin from Goodwin Racing, Ken Raif of Garage Star, Justin Ross who won the NASA TTE Western Division Championship, and Juliette and Elise who have famous videos riding their bikes down the corkscrew following their dad (and friend of the show), Matt.  

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