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Filtering by Category: SlipAngle

SlipAngle /// Episode 64 - Steve Doherty - 2012 GT Academy Champion

Austin Cabot

Episode 64 - In this episode of SlipAngle, Austin sits down with 2012 GT Academy Champion Steve Doherty.  Listen as Steve talks about his journey from Gran Turismo addict to International racing driver.  We also talk about his circle track days before any of the success with the GT Academy program and learn what it's like to compete in the shootout at Sliverstone and race overseas. 

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SlipAngle /// Episode 63 - World Challenge Driver Tom O'Gorman of TOMO Racing

Austin Cabot

Episode 63 - World Challenge TCB Driver Tom O'Gorman is on the show to talk about how he got his start autocrossing, how last season in the Pirelli World Challenge TCB Honda Fit went, and his hopes for the season.  Tom tells us about crowd funding the end of his season last season and we also have a brief recap of the most recent WC weekend at COTA at the beginning of the show.  

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SlipAngle /// Episode 61 - You're on Thin Ice. Ice Racing and Autocross vs Road Racing

Austin Cabot

Episode 61 - Austin is joined by Mike Cohn and Ryan Weddle on the way back to Chicago from 4 hours north in Wisconsin where some shennanigans were had on the ice.  We talk about what it's like to drive on the ice, studs vs winter tires, and hear a little from champion driver, Andy Smedegard.  We also discuss autocross vs road course, and hear a little bit about autocrossing karts from Mike.  

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SlipAngle /// Episode 60 - Dinner with Ricers Episode 2

Austin Cabot

Episode 60 - Austin and Adam are joined by Hollie Heiser for Dinner with Ricers Episode 2 after the opening day of the Chicago Auto Show.  Austin brushes up on his Spanish, Hollie talks about her first cars and instructing in exotics that cost more than most listener's houses, and Adam eats a pizza.

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SlipAngle /// Episode 59 - Ken Lingenfelter at the Chicago Auto Show

Austin Cabot

Episode 59 - Ken Lingenfelter is an ultimate car guy - running a performance parts business, collecting exotics oddball cars alike, and traveling all over the world participating in various automotive events.  Austin, Adam, and Hollie catch up with Ken at the Chicago Auto Show to talk about his car collection, his racing endeavors, and some of his favorite vehicles.

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SlipAngle /// Episode 58 - Questions Answered that were never asked

Austin Cabot

Episode 58 - Wondering what it's like to drive at a major press event?  Also wondering what Austin's favorite car at the Chicago Auto Show is?  Wondering how karting went last week?  Or how the Chump Car Race at Road Atlanta was?  Wondering what we are doing these next few days?  Wondering why we are asking these questions for you that you probably wouldn't ask yourself? too.  It's been along day.

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SlipAngle /// Episode 56 - Justin Tilus from Maxxis Tire

Austin Cabot


Episode 56 - Justin Tilus works for Maxxis Tire and is an avid autocrosser.  Austin sits down and talks with Justin about how he got his start into motorsports, different vehicles he has owned, and how his career path landed him a job with Maxxis.  They also talk about the new Maxxis street tire, the VR-1 and the more track focused RC-1.  For more on Maxxis Tire, visit

SlipAngle /// Episode 54 - Mazda Global MX-5 Cup with Glenn Long and John Dean

Austin Cabot

Austin travels to Long Road Racing in Statesvillle, NC to talk with Glenn Long and John Dean about the new Mazda Global MX-5 Cup Cars.  We talk about the development steps taken to prepare the new ND chassis for the new series and last year's MX-5 Cup champion, John Dean tells us about what he's looking forward to in the new cars.

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SlipAngle /// Episode 51 - Area (Episode) 51, banter and West Coast Correspondent Matt Viramontes Interviews Fei-Long Tran

Austin Cabot

Episode 51 - Austin and Adam talk about Stock Cars, Turbo S2000s, and #GRIDLIFE registraion.  We also have our first segment from our West Coast correspondent, Matt Viramontes who interviews Fei-Long Tran.

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SlipAngle /// Episode 49 - Catching up with THE Greg Amy

Austin Cabot

Episode 49 - The guys catch up with International Amateur Racing Celebrity Greg Amy to talk about pimped out gopeds, 70s Fuel Injection to Carb swaps, Miatas, 1995 Audi S6s, One Lap of America, and why the Easy Road isn't the Greg Amy way of doing things.  Other topics include race fuel check procedures, Del Sols, what Greg plans to do will all of his various vehicles, vintage racing, current fuel prices...and the list goes on and on.  Greg also answers the two questions he thinks need to be answered by all of our guests after our towing podcast - tow in gear or out of gear, and straps crossed or straight.  Greg's always talked about his ability to please many people at once...and he delivers.

SlipAngle /// Episode 48 - In the Beginning...

Austin Cabot

Episode 48 - Adam and Austin talk about how they got into cars and what it was like early on.  Surprisingly, they both bought the same issue of Super Street as their first import magazine and they both started reading Sport Compact Car because of their families.  All this and more in todays episode of SlipAngle.

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SlipAngle /// Episode 47 - Part 2 - Ross Bentley and Speed Secrets

Austin Cabot

Episode 47 - (Part 2) Possibly one of the most influential driving coachs in the world, Ross Bentley has written many books on driving under the "Speed Secrets" name.  A few weeks ago, Ross was gracious enough with his time to sit down with Austin in Seattle, WA and record a few driving tips for use in future SlipAngle shows.  While there, Austin and Ross sat down and had nearly a two hour conversation on professional driving, driving techniques, and how Ross started writing books and coaching.

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