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Filtering by Category: SlipAngle

SlipAngle /// Episode 127 - Aaron Bitterman and Adam Gershon from Speed Ventures

Austin Cabot

Episode 127 - Austin sits down with Aaron Bitterman and Adam Gershon from Speed Ventures, one of the largest regional track day companies in the states. We talk about the early days of track days, Aarons experience with various clubs before forming Speed Ventures, the surprising number of events they run (28 this season!), different Time Attack and Wheel 2 Wheel series that are hosted at their events, and a whole host of other things. 

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SlipAngle /// Episode 111 - Racing Legend John Morton - Part 2

Austin Cabot

Episode 111 - Part two of our interview with Racing Legend John Morton.  When you learned to drive on track in the first Shelby Cobra (which just sold for $12 mil at auction this year), you're bound for greatness.  We got the opportunity to sit down with John Morton to talk about his career that started with Carroll Shelby, what he thinks of modern racing, how much easier it is to race today, and a number of other topics.  

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SlipAngle /// Episode 110 - Racing Legend John Morton - Part 1

Austin Cabot

"To get to a really high level [in racing], it's gotta ruin your life."  Take it from a man who has found success at the highest levels.  SlipAngle Episode 110 - When you learned to drive on track in the first Shelby Cobra, you're bound for greatness.  We got the opportunity to sit down with John Morton to talk about his career that started with Carroll Shelby, author Sylvia Wilkinson tells us of how she and another woman could time a whole field of Indy cars on two stopwatches, and aspiring driver Chris Hurst tells us about his experiences racing on a Chump Car team along some industry legends.  

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SlipAngle /// Episode 107 - 949 Racing Crew Part 1

Austin Cabot

Episode 107 - Emilio Cervantes from 949 Racing returns and brings Dan Howard and Sonny Watanasirisuk on the show.  These guys live and breathe racing.  Listen as we talk about the history of their SuperMiata series, Dan's recent NASA PTE and TTE Western States regional championship, how to make miatas go fast, and how the 949 Team has become so dominant in nearly every series they have run.

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SlipAngle /// Episode 104 - Robert Thorne

Austin Cabot

Episode 104 - Professional Driver Robert Thorne joins us at #Gridlife Special Stage to talk about Rocket Anti-Lag, SCCA Solo Nationals, World Challenge, and a whole host of other things.  Robert towed all the way from Colorado to Michigan for our silly time attack event..and brought one the of most bada$$ cars we've ever seen.

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