Gridlife South: A sleep deprived road trip week in random pictures....
Adam Jabaay
Photos by Luis Villalobos, Mikey Bryzzzzinskiski, and my Adam's phone
just so cool in person. Forsberg, Tuerck, Gitten Jr, Rob Parsens, etc.
Around 13 or 14 months ago, Chris Stewart, founder of Gridlife, and myself, Motorsports Director, flew down to Road Atlanta to see what that place was about... because they asked us to potentially do a Gridlife Festival there. I rapidly became obsessed with the track, traveling across the country a couple times in the last year to race there, and hopping airplanes too many times to do things to prepare for this event. All in all, it was a pretty successful first Road Atlanta event for the ever-growing, ever-evolving company we call Gridlife, and we think it built a pretty good audience for a first year thing. Amazing time attack sessions happened with our TrackBattle series , the third and final round of the year for us. Full sessions of beginner, intermediate, and advanced/instructor groups spent 3 days lapping the amazing facility (with almost NO incidents....maybe they really listened in my drivers meetings, and paid attention to the advice of the workers in grid!), and the drifters put on some of the best shows we've ever seen. This was the first time drifters (including some of the top pros in the world) were ever allowed to drift the full course, and if you haven't seen the videos, check them out. Weeks later my Facebook feed is still clogged up with videos of them and the incredible spectacle they put on.
One of the best parts of each Road Atlanta trip this year , for me, has been getting to spend it with a different group of buddies. This trip, Rambler's Racing Team, a bunch of my closest track friends , piled in trucks and left from my house in Chicago. We bombed south all night, and arrived the next day around noon. Long nights on road trips are almost impossible to forget, yet I'm glad we had some legitimate photographers with us to take weird and random pictures. Instead of a million pictures of the cars, and smokey drift party, etc, here is a sampling of the completely sleep depriving and unique week we had, being a part of Gridlife South. This was a really special week in my life, and I keep hearing people say similar things. That, to me, is the mark of a successful event. You should probably go on a road trip with your buddies soon. Start setting it up right now.
we crammed Luis and Dil's civics with tech shed, time attack, and sponsors banner stuff, and loaded them on the trailer.
Shae being all soft drinkey
loudest. Car. Ever.
Dil Wang
"hi, i'm Chris Sullivan. You've probably seen my magazine pics. I'm kind of a big deal"
Dil and his brother Ashar took an ancient rad land cruiser down a few days early and had a good ole time. Tail of dragon pic?
check straps. Always
wtf was that ?
ohhhhh. That. The spare (stupid thing leaked anyway) flipped down, dragged the ground, and exploded at 70 mph. Tire rack got a replacement to me at the track ASAP. That replacement went missing for 24 hrs , being rolled around paddock. Dan Devries , tech inspection guru staffer, general breakfast beast chef, and drinking buddy, saved the day and found it Sunday. If that spare could talk. ...
tough guys Chris and Shae
laffin about Waffles or something
black and white tough guys, for more emotional emotions
mikey being perpetually happy on track weekends
"yo Adam how far down do those attachments swing?" ....."boutthis far"
"whatcha thinkin about?"
only 4 min of sleep I got on way down
insane K swap Fit
drift "grid" was in the long straight. We'd release cars from there. We'd also take super lame photos.
austin brushing his teeth at 3 am. Sweet
cell phone concert pic
"hey Waka , want to be my first selfie? Cool"
liked that last terrible cell phone pic? Here's another!
happy people
ryan tuerck's car is lit I guess
strap work. Always
levi and Ballard were tired
chill Dil
Chris Ballard doing something
"sure grant, I'll take your stinky dirty clothes home while you fly in Luxury"
strap checkin
this chicken sucked
locked key in truck. Crap. Totes conquered that though. With skillz
a Dil Vid!