Track Walking - 194 - It's Made Me Better (Sam Deuling)
Scott Robertson
Seth talks about flappy tires, Scott knows that the buck stops here, and Sam has ruined his legs...
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Filtering by Category: Track Walking
Seth talks about flappy tires, Scott knows that the buck stops here, and Sam has ruined his legs...
Read MoreSeth got lost in geology... and Scott wants you to get in a rut... because what comes after can be very good.
Read MoreSeth thinks bikes are the solutions to everything... but he might be right... Scott has to hang out with two Subaru guys... and Chris' dogs cooperated for the entire show...
Read MoreSeth makes a major life change... Scott gets gifted an entire new genre of ammunition to use against Seth... and the guys talk about cars, the places they take us, and little ladders..
Read MoreSeth and Scott can't tell between advanced technology and magic... and Kevin watches crash footage for fun...
Read MoreMalcom Gladwell's 10,000 hours is misleading... Pirates had something up their, uh, eyepatches... and we talk about how to get good at things.
Read MoreSeth nerds out on exhaustion, Scott nerds out on stress training, and Matt nerds out on decades of data.
Read MoreSeth needs to sprint race again, Scott accelerates his learning by sweating, and the guys learn how testing yourself and stress might actually be helpful.
Read MoreSeth is going to buy smelling salts, Scott wants to make his brain more stretchy, and Ryan was the most interesting person at PRI.
Read MoreSeth talked with his kids about the show for Christmas... and Scott compares hiking with driving... and life... as one does.
Read MoreSeth goes back 5000 years... Scott thinks VR might bring humanity back...
We talk about mediated and lived experiences, and the strange place we find ourselves in.
Read MoreSeth asks awkward questions, Scott can blush, Kevin matches ego with humility, Chris finds structure soothing, and Pete likes his video with a side of data.
Read MoreSeth can't rely on being confined to the gaps anymore... and Scott is softening to the idea of resolutions... kinda.
Read MoreScott talks about Bilbo... Seth changes course once he's acknowledged... and the guys talk about returning to the same place, and having it not be the same anymore.
What's your hero's journey been like?
Read MoreSeth has potential a Porsche, Scott wonders how ego and humility can cohabitate, and Kaan found a loophole in the legal system.
Read MoreSeth wants to look at how things ended as a way of looking at the whole... and Scott's hero is a guy named Adam.
Read MoreSeth likes skiers because they make him look good... Scott enjoys a nice Volvo... Chris was a president... of the car club.
Read MoreSeth thinks racing tiny bikes is the best bargain in motorsports... and he might be right... Scott thinks Seth did it for the acknowledgement... and he might be right.
Read MoreSeth and Scott can't skateboard, and Pete blames Sam for a lot...
Read MoreScott isn't quite all there... Seth enjoys that fact.
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