Track Walking - 171 - Under-Miata'd
Scott Robertson
Scott found new ways of being busy... the Miata is behind schedule... Seth thinks Scott did one thing right...
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Scott found new ways of being busy... the Miata is behind schedule... Seth thinks Scott did one thing right...
Read MoreSeth is kid free... and Scott gets off Scott free for another week.
Read MoreSeth gets his red string out again... Scott straps in for one of the wildest connections to date.
Read MoreSeth recounts being scolded... Scott has tried a few different ways... and Brock loves being called names.
Read MoreSeth wants to know if the expectations match reality... Scott meets himself again at Putnam... and Aric is now a dog.
Read MoreSeth asks questions, and Scott has a hard time putting a sentence together...
Read MoreScott wonders how heated seats work in the rain... Seth is confronted by the idea that he might have good seasons in his life because he's creative... and Mike wants to retire into the wilderness and do pottery.e
Read MoreSeth pokes at the plan... Scott sticks to his roots... Rob wants to sleep in his truck... Aric is looking forward to the experience.
Read MoreSeth gets to feel what it's like to be Scott... Scott wonders what Seth's wife thinks about how he is... and they talk about the first race of Seth's season!
Read MoreScott doesn't want to call it tipping over, Seth is proud to be passed by Sloan, and Sloan doesn't think falling off a bike at 70mph sounds fun anymore.
Read MoreSeth continues to be a Gridlife freeloader... Scott is deep in the details... and they look at the difference between prescriptions and descriptions, statements and questions.
Read MoreSeth is glad there are people like Cody, Scott wonders why do it the hard way, and Cody has an emotional connection to his cars... and they all recall the smell of 80's cars.
Read MoreSeth can't get a quote out of his head and says things like "whoo whoo," and Scott put that quote in his head and tells Seth he's wrong...
Read MoreSeth likes Jaaaaags, Scott wonders what's in carbs, and Amos is definitely the smartest guy in the room.
Read MoreSeth feels like an old man, Scott is getting his ass beat... and they talk about the culture of virtual racing.
Read MoreSeth wants to hear about liter bikes... Scott gets it easy tonight... and James is glad his Cobalt SS got wrecked.
Read MoreSeth threatens Scott with possible insurance fraud, and Scott wants to find a giant parking lot (CALL MEE!!!!)...
Read MoreEpisode 554 - Feras Qartoumy is back on the show, having just competed in Attack Tsukuba 2024. Feras left the event with an overall win, and a 3rd best lap of all time with a 51.231.
Read MoreAbe wants to talk about hunting, Adam is a helper, Seth "used" to be a hippy, and Scott definitely frosted his tips.
Read MoreEpisode 493 - Abe and Adam connect with Duston Nixon to talk about his experience building racecars with his dad and time attacking in a vintage Camaro.
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