Track Walking - 100 - Learning As I Go (Andy Smedgard)
Scott Robertson
Seth thinks the only constant is change... Scott wonders what a leap of faith is like... Andy does emails so he can work on cars.
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Seth thinks the only constant is change... Scott wonders what a leap of faith is like... Andy does emails so he can work on cars.
Read MoreSometimes an event happens... something significant.
We decide to try to be better men, and talk about it.
Read MoreAdam and Josh Fettes tell Robbie all about what he missed at this years Performance Racing Industry Trade Show.
Read MoreSeth thinks skylifts make people happy... Scott REALLY wants a set of Motons... and Zac is finally buying Snickers.
Read MoreSeth doesn't know how many bikes he has, but he got another one anyway... Scott is reminded that starting something new is intimidating...
Read MoreAdam talks about his road trips. Robbie talks about his wrenching.
Read MoreSeth and Scott wonder... is Abe a professional who moonlights as a scumbag, or is Abe a scumbag who masquerades as a professional?
Read MoreSeth thinks soggy cereal makes people deeply uncomfortable... Scott thinks we care about other people when we don't want to talk to them.
Read MoreSeth talks to Becky... Scott talks to Brian... Becky wants seat time... Brian wants adventure...
Read MoreDusty Nixon joins the guys to recap his experiences at SEMA then they all use Marketplace to find the best vehicle to use as a winter beater with an $8k budget.
Read MoreSeth gets another sucker to watch a Gridlife Touring Cup race and talk about things...
The Sucker: Colton Wade
What: Heartland Race 2
Read MoreSeth grabs a poor soul to watch a Gridlife Touring Cup race and talk about things...
Poor Soul: Nick Kohrs.
What: Heartland Race 1
Read MoreThe guys discuss breakfast foods thanks to the controversial way Scott from Track Walking Podcast eats cereal then Robbie tells Adam about his weekend in Sebring for WRL.
Read MoreScott is had a good weekend (mostly), and Seth is surprised.
Read MoreNick's Grandma is the best, Scott think's 500hp is the same as teleportation, and Seth thinks the escalation was real.
Read MoreAdam talks about the joys of van ownership. Robert talks about WRL Sebring prep.
Read MoreSeth chose the dirtbag lifestyle... Scott was just happy to be there.
Read MoreEman Carr joins the guys to talk about their weekend in Topeka for Gridlife.
Read MoreJeremy used to drive a Honda... Seth encourages Jeremy not to get his kids into motorsports too much... and Scott wonders why competition drives Jeremy so much...
Read MoreSeth is truly becoming better, but he still has an axe to grind... Scott feels bad for doing something for himself... and the season is quickly coming to an end.
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