Track Walking - 109 - Porpoise
Scott Robertson
Scott wants to venture into the void... Seth thinks Scott is wrong... and they look at the uneasy relationship between goals and purposes.
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Scott wants to venture into the void... Seth thinks Scott is wrong... and they look at the uneasy relationship between goals and purposes.
Read MoreThe guys indulge in some shitbox talk and Adam educates Robbie on some odd technologies car manufacturers tried.
Read MoreSeth wonders why school is different from sim's... Scott gets out his notepad ... Kyle wonders where he would be without the pandemic.
Read MoreEman Carr is on the show to explain how he lost his bet to Dalton. He also tells the guys about saving another Z.
Read MoreSeth thinks we have too many options... Scott thinks fun isn't something to chase... and the guys talk about choice paralysis.
Read MoreSeth is sick, Scott talks about Vipers for too long, and Luke says "well" a lot...
Read MoreDalton Klein calls into the show to talk about taking his Track Mod Corvette to an ice battle.
Read MoreSeth doesn't talk about logic... Scott thinks fate is just like Guitar Hero... and they go back 2300 years to sit and talk on a porch.
Read MoreSeth misses when people invited other people, Scott notices a trend, and Dewey thinks he helped break time attack... but they all agree forums are superior.
Read MoreAdam is excited about his pressure cooker, a 'friend' sends the guys a treat, and Robbie talks about all the changes he's made to his 350z.
Read MoreScott thinks its in our heads... Seth plays incompetent... and the show's thesis arises again...
Read MoreThe guys discuss what they've been up to during their 'winter sabbatical', what to do (or not to do) when buying a used car, and their predictions for 2023.
Read MoreSeth corners another prey to watch a Gridlife Touring Cup race and talk about things...
The Prey: Sam Deuling
What: Heartland Race 3
Read MoreSeth baits another hook to watch a Gridlife Touring Cup race and talk about things...
The Fish: Brian Defrees
What: Heartland Top 10 Shootout
Read MoreEpisode 493 - Abe and Adam connect with Duston Nixon to talk about his experience building racecars with his dad and time attacking in a vintage Camaro.
Read MoreSeth talks about new people... Scott talks about old people... and Aaron talks about hockey.
Read MoreSeth asks a question that never gets answered... Scott talks about calendars... and they wonder what "looking up" at the track means at your job or apartment, with your relationships or goals.
Read MoreThe guys discuss what they've been up to, exchange gifts, and open some gifts from fans.
Read MoreScott wanders around the PRI Show, and manages to find time to talk with a few people in-between looking at shiny things...
Read MoreKatia Capprelli and Charlie Streicher from Stratus Racing join the guys to discuss racing endeavors. Stratus Racing campaigns two cars in WRL's GTU class as well as competes in the 25hr of Thunderhill.
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