Track Walking - 122 - Texas Chris Likes Mazda2's
Scott Robertson
Chris drove way too far to hang out... but we like that he did!
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Chris drove way too far to hang out... but we like that he did!
Read MoreLive a few minutes in our shoes during the 2023 One Lap of America - Sundae Cup edition!
Read MoreSeth thinks drivers of fast cars need to get passed more... Scott wants all the instructors out there...and they think groups are best organized by awareness/skills rather than lap times.
Read MoreScott encounters himself for the first time... again... and Seth doesn't know why.
Read MoreThe guys talk about a surprise gift in the mail Robbie received. They also try to talk about fun things to do with cars but end up talking about fishing.
Seth used to assist during animal surgeries, Scott thinks good teachers are liars, and Matt embraces being a novice.
Read MoreJadam Abaay is on the show to discuss some hypothetical situations that may or may not happen when hosting motorsports events.
Read MoreSeth is selling all of his old cars... Scott thinks he's preparing... and they talk about beauty, disposable things, and the cost of comparison.
Read MoreSeth is to blame for being back, Bob gets creative with his racer's excuse, Matt knows how to weld without safety glasses, Bill has bought more cars than he should've, Becky made her car worse for Scott, and Scott is going to try and fix things with washers.
Read MoreRobbie finally shows what his Z looks like and Adam goes to monster trucks.
Read MoreSeth wants to talk about the van... Scott was tired... and they talk about the Gridlife weekend at CMP.
Read MoreSeth already knows about aluminum Honda parts... Scott likes logical progression... and James used to daily a time attack car.
Read MoreSeth gets fussy... largely with himself... Scott might be getting into tiny bikes...
Read MoreJosh Fettes joins the guys to partake in April Madness! The guys then choose the worst car ever made during a single elimination tournament style bracket.
A guide to installing an MK60 ABS system in a Nissan 350z. This guide should also give enough information to help with installing it in any vehicle.
Read MoreSeth gets to talk dirt bikes... Scott remembers when turn signals were the talk of the town... and Austin marries fun with GLTC.
Read MoreDusty Nixon is back on the show to recap his weekend at Super Lap Battle.
Read MoreSeth can't run very fast... Scott hates slogans... and they talk GLTC at COTA, Miata prep, and a little new thing Scott's doing...
Read MoreSeth likes rivers... Scott thinks national autocrossers try hard... and Brian likes jumping lowered cars.
Read MoreDalton Klein returns to the show to recap his weekend doing the Chop Top Challenge. Dusty Nixon joins the crew as well.